Dental Implants in Land O' Lakes

Why Would I Need Dental Implants?

A dental implant is a replacement for a missing tooth root. While other tooth restorations replace the crowns of the teeth, only dental implants can replace the tooth roots by implanting a titanium post into the jawbone to form an artificial tooth root.

This is important for a few reasons – it transfers chewing forces to the jawbone which preserves the existing jawbone, it firmly holds your tooth restoration in place so it never moves, and it feels, functions, and looks like a real tooth.

The prevention of bone loss prevents changes to your facial structure and your risk of future tooth loss. If you’re looking for an implant specialist in Land O’ Lakes, contact us at BayBreeze Dental today to schedule a consultation.

Did you know…

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You should avoid smoking when getting dental implants to prevent implant failure.

Ready to schedule a consult?

Call (813) 377-1822 today!

How It Works: The Dental Implant Process

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Dr. Parikh will need to take x-rays of your teeth to analyze your jawbone density. This will help us determine if implants are suitable for you or if you will need bone grafts.

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Pain Relief & Sedation Options

We will numb your mouth by injecting local anesthesia so you don’t feel any pain. If you prefer to be sedated for the procedure, we offer oral conscious sedation which is taken an hour before your appointment.

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Oral Surgery: Implant Placement

The first oral surgery involves making an incision into the gums so we can implant the titanium post into the jawbone. This is what holds the rest of the tooth in place.

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Over 3-6 months, the jawbone will grow around the implant until they become fused and form a tooth root.

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Oral Surgery: Abutment Attachment

Only after osseointegration has been successful, we will reopen the gums to attach the abutment. This connects the implant to the restoration.

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Restoration Fabrication

Impressions that were taken of your teeth earlier on will be sent to a dental lab to fabricate a custom-made dental crown, bridge, or denture.

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Restoration Placement

After a few weeks of fabrication, the restoration will be sent to our office so we can attach it to the implant.

Types of Dental Implants

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Single-Tooth Implants

Most dental implants are used to replace a single tooth in the mouth. They are composed of three parts – the screw-like post made of titanium, the abutment, and the dental crown. When we attach a restoration to your implant, your tooth structure, functionality, and smile aesthetics are fully restored. Replacing missing teeth helps with chewing and speaking and prevents your teeth from shifting.

Full-Arch Implants

Placing full-arch implants means that we are implanting a series of implants into the jaw to replace an entire arch of teeth, either with a removable denture or a fixed bridge. This is a treatment for severe tooth loss which causes many aesthetic, speech, and chewing difficulties.

It typically requires 4 to 6 implants to support an arch of teeth, but it can be done with just 4 if you place two at the front and then the two at the back placed at a 45-degree angle. These are called All-On-Four implants and are a good option for patients lacking bone support. Unlike traditional dentures and bridges, the implants offer the bonus of preventing bone loss and preventing shifting teeth.
These dental implants, or posts, function as artificial roots and allow for the attachment of a set of removable implant-supported overdentures or permanent fixed dental bridges to restore your smile. Compared to dentures, full-arch implants look and feel much more natural, and will never shift or move when you eat or speak. 

Did you know…

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When we place implants at an angle, we can use fewer implants to support more teeth.

Interested in dental implants?

Call (813) 377-1822 to schedule today!

Have Questions About Dental Implants? Find Answers Here.

What Are the Advantages of Dental Implants?

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Dental implants are the only tooth replacements that can prevent the consequences of bone loss by preserving the existing jawbone after tooth loss. Other restorations lead to or even accelerate bone loss, which causes bite changes and premature facial sagging.

Dental implants are made of superior durable and biocompatible materials that last for 25 years to life with proper care. This is much longer than other restorations who have a maximum life expectancy of 15 years. Best of all, implants are low maintenance to care for. There aren’t any special tools you need to use or any time-consuming cleaning protocols. You just need to brush and floss your implants as you do with your natural teeth. Since the implants secure your restorations in the jawbone, you don’t have to worry about embarrassing moving teeth ever again.

Why Drive to Us for Dental Implants?

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At Bay Breeze Dental, we are committed to providing the highest quality dental treatment to all of our patients in Land O’ Lakes. We offer a complimentary consultation for dental implants that is completely free.

We know just how hard it can be to finance much-needed dental treatment when you’ve hit a financial rough patch. That’s why we give back to the community. When you choose Bay Breeze Dental, you’re supporting a dental practice that supports the community through charity – providing dental care to patients who need it the most.

We understand that many of our patients in Land O’ Lakes are dealing with financial hardship themselves, which is why we offer a flat fee of $4,499 for single-tooth implants, we offer all PPO insurance plans, and we also offer financing options.

Did you know…

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Full-arch implants combine the benefits of dentures or dental bridges with dental implants.

Ready for your next dental appointment?

Call (813) 377-1822 today!