Dental Implants in Wesley Chapel

What are my options after losing teeth?

Tooth loss can make you feel self-conscious about your smile. Dental implants can restore that confidence by enhancing your functionality and overall oral health. Choose the longest-lasting, most secure tooth replacement option and start smiling again. Call today to schedule an appointment at your dentist in Wesley Chapel, FL.  

Did you know…

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Dental implants are very common with over 3 million Americans having at least one implant. 

Ready to schedule a consult?

Call (813) 377-1822 today!

How it works: The dental implant placement and restoration process

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At your consultation, your dentist will determine if dental implants are right for you. Your doctor will examine your mouth, take x-rays, and determine if your jaw is strong and healthy enough to support one or more dental implants. You and your Wesley Chapel dentist can also explore other restorative dentistry options at this time. If you are in Land O'Lakes or other surrounding areas, please schedule a consultation. We are a short drive away.

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Oral Surgery

After you’ve been approved for treatment, your dentist will create a surgical plan for your dental implant, and schedule your oral surgery appointment. At this appointment, your dentist will create a small opening in your gum tissue, place a dental implant secure in the jaw, then clean the area and suture it shut to encourage proper healing.

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Healing & Osseointegration

Once your implant has been placed, healing will begin. It takes 1-2 weeks to heal completely from surgery, but it will take between 3-6 months for your dental implant to bond permanently with your jaw bone in a process called “osseointegration”.

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Creating the Prosthetic

You’ll come back to our office for a few follow-up appointments as your mouth heals from surgery. During those appointments, your dentist will ensure you’re healing properly, and take impressions of your implant and teeth. These impressions are sent to a lab, where your prosthetic, a dental crown or arch of teeth, will be made.

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Placing the Restoration

Once your prosthetic is finished and your mouth has completely healed, you’ll come back for a final appointment at our office. At this appointment, your dentist will permanently bond your restoration to your dental implant, completing the procedure. 

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Maintenance & Aftercare

Dental implants do not require a lot of special care. To keep your mouth healthy, simply make sure you brush and floss regularly, and see your dentist every six months for a teeth cleaning and oral exam. 

Dental Implant Options

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Single Tooth Implants

Single-tooth implants are the most frequently-used type of dental implant, and they have two main parts. The dental implant, or post, is a screw-shaped rod of titanium. The restoration for a single implant is usually a dental crown. 

For the placement of a single dental implant, the post is permanently placed into your gum and jaw and allowed to heal. During healing, a dental crown is manufactured and will eventually be attached to the post with an “abutment.” This dental crown restores the shape, appearance, and function of your natural tooth. Single-tooth implants are extremely durable and long lasting, and they never move or shift, unlike a partial denture.

Full-Arch Implants

Full-arch implants are a good option if you are missing all or most of your natural teeth, and are interested in a more secure, long-lasting alternative to traditional dentures. They use a series of 4-6 dental implants per arch, which are strategically placed across the arch of your mouth.

These dental implants, or posts, function as artificial roots and allow for the attachment of a set of removable implant-supported overdentures or permanent fixed dental bridges to restore your smile. Compared to dentures, full-arch implants look and feel much more natural, and will never shift or move when you eat or speak. 

Full-Arch Implants & Snap-In Dentures

Full-arch implants with snap-in dentures are a great alternative to traditional dentures. Traditional dentures fit over your gums and are held in place by friction and denture adhesive. In contrast, snap-in dentures snap onto a series of 4-6 dental implants in the upper, lower, or both arches of your mouth. 

Snap-in dentures are removable, so it’s easy to clean your dentures, your implants, and your mouth. But while they're attached to your implants, they stay in place and will not move or shift while you eat, chew, or speak. They are more comfortable than traditional dentures, and ensure you can eat your favorite foods and smile proudly once again after tooth loss.

Full-arch implants also help keep your jaw healthy. They support and strengthen your jaw bone, and prevent bone resorption after tooth loss. They can easily last 30+ years, too. So while they're more expensive than other methods of tooth replacement, they are a great long-term investment in your oral health and your overall health.

Did you know…

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About 178 million Americans are missing at least one tooth and nearly 40 million Americans have lost all their teeth.

Interested in dental implants?

Call (813) 377-1822 to schedule today!

Have questions about implant dentistry? Find answers here. 

How are dental implants made?

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A dental implant is made of two parts: a small, screw-shaped piece of titanium called the post, and the restoration, which is usually a dental crown and abutment. Posts are manufactured in a variety of pre-selected sizes to ensure each patient gets the right implant for their needs. In contrast, the restoration is completely custom-made. After your Wesley Chapel dentist places your dental implant, they will take impressions of your teeth and send them to a dental lab. 

There, a technician will create a long-lasting, durable dental implant restoration out of porcelain or another high-quality material. This restoration will be sent back to our office, and it will be attached to your dental implant, completing your implant procedure.

How long do dental implants last?

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Dental implants typically last up to 30 years or more with proper placement and care. In fact, it’s very common for patients to keep their implants for the rest of their lives. 

However, the dental implant restoration, such as a dental crown or set of overdentures, usually will not last this long. Your restoration is exposed to regular wear and tear from chewing, biting, and more, and may need to be replaced a few times over the years. 

Can dental implants get infected?

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It is possible for dental implants to become infected. This is known as “peri-implantitis.” However, this is a very rare complication, and it typically only occurs if the implant is not cared for and kept clean after surgery. 

You can avoid peri-implantitis by following your dentist’s instructions while recovering, and by brushing and flossing regularly after your implant has healed. 

Will dental implants stop bone loss?

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Yes. Bone loss occurs when your jaw bone is no longer stimulated by the natural pressure of chewing and biting. Your tooth transmits this force through the root and into your jaw bone, which keeps your jaw bone healthy. 

When you lose a tooth, this process stops, and the jaw bone tends to weaken. Since the post of the dental implant is placed directly into the jaw bone and acts as a tooth root, it restimulates your jaw bone by transmitting the force of chewing and biting once again.

Can dental implants be done in one day?

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Some types of dental implant systems can be done in one day. The restoration is usually temporary until you have fully healed from your dental implant placement surgery. This solution allows you to speak and eat normally, however, the restoration is temporary. 

As your mouth heals, you’ll attend appointments at your doctor’s office where impressions will be taken. These impressions will guide the manufacturing of your restoration. This permanent restoration will be a more durable, long-lasting, and natural-looking prosthetic than your temporaries.

Components of Single-Tooth Implants

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There are 3 components of a single-tooth implant - the titanium post, abutment, and dental crown. The biocompatible titanium post is a screw-like component that is implanted into the jaw through the first oral surgery. 

After the osseointegration process, we will then attach an abutment which is the component that connects the implant to the crown. This requires a second oral surgery. Finally, the dental crown completes the restoration, as it is attached to the abutment and looks just like a natural tooth.

Single Tooth Dental Implant Procedure

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Consultation - The process begins with a consultation so we can assess your teeth to ensure you’re in good oral health and take x-rays to determine if you have sufficient jaw bone to support the implant. 

Many patients have some degree of bone loss and that’s okay, you may just need a bone grafting procedure before we can place dental implants. This involves transferring bone tissue from somewhere else in the body, usually the hip, and placing it in the jaw to replace missing bone and generate new bone tissue.

Implant & Osseointegration - We will administer a local anesthetic before making an incision into your gums to reveal your jawbone. The titanium post is implanted into the jawbone and we will stitch up your gums. 

This oral surgery will take a few days to 2 weeks to heal from but it will take 3-6 months for the osseointegration process to be complete. This is when the jawbone grows around the implant and they fuse, forming a synthetic tooth root. 

You will have routine follow-ups to check on your healing and the osseointegration. This is the most important part of the implantation process, as improper osseointegration increases implant failure.

Abutment - Once the implant has fused with your jawbone, we will reopen your gums to attach the abutment and suture your gums. It will take up to 2 weeks to heal from this second surgery. 

Restoration - We would have taken impressions of your teeth earlier in the process and sent these to an outside dental lab that creates your dental crown. After your gums have healed, we can place your dental crown and you’ll be able to use your new tooth.

Full Arch Implants Process

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The process begins with an oral exam and x-rays to create a 3D model of your mouth. We’ll administer local anesthesia to numb your mouth before we place four titanium implants into your jawbone. 

Two will be placed at the front of the jaw in a normal straight position, while the two implants in the rear of the jaw will be placed at a 45-degree angle. This positioning is what enables the implants to support an entire arch of teeth with so few implants. This will take about 2.5 hours.

From here, it will take a few months for osseointegration to be complete. In the meantime, we will place an immediate temporary denture until your official restoration is ready and you’re fully healed. 

Once osseointegration has been complete, we’ll remove the temporary denture and place your official restoration in the form of a denture or dental bridge. We may ask you to return for follow-up appointments.

Benefits of Full Arch Implants

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Full arch implants combine the best aspects of dentures/dental bridges and implants. A dental implant is a superior tooth replacement because it’s the only restoration that can preserve the jaw bone and hold the teeth securely in place to prevent shifting. 

They’re also low maintenance and can last for a lifetime. However, we can’t replace all of your teeth with individual implants, because it would take way too long and cost too much. This is where the full arch prosthetics come in. 

You can replace all of your teeth, enjoy natural-looking aesthetics, and don’t have to worry about embarrassing moving teeth when you eat or speak. It only requires a few implants in the jaw to support an entire arch of teeth.

Financing Options For Dental Implants

We understand that dental implants can be expensive. Despite being the best long-term solution for missing teeth, most dental insurance policies still don’t cover dental implants. That means most patients are left paying out of pocket for their implants.

However, dental implants are a worthwhile investment. They protect your oral health, last a lifetime with proper care, and leave you with a natural and beautiful smile. So at BayBreeze Dental, we’re here to help with our financing options for dental implants.

We offer third-party financing with both CareCredit and Varidi, two leading providers of healthcare financing. With CareCredit or Varidi, you can split your treatment into monthly payments, and get the care you need without worrying about overspending.

If you’d like to apply or learn more, just let our team know once you come in for your appointment with Dr. Parikh. We can provide you with more information, and give you all the details you need to see if you qualify for dental implant financing.

$4,499 Flat-Rate Single-Tooth Implants

At BayBreeze Dental, our mission is to provide top-notch dental care at reasonable prices. We believe in transparency, which is why we offer flat-rate treatment for single tooth implants. Each implant costs $4,499. This price is all-inclusive, so you won’t pay extra for consultations, surgeries, or any other unexpected fees. 

If you’re interested in our flat-rate single-tooth implants, the first step is to schedule an appointment with Dr. Parikh. Contact us now to schedule online, and see if you’re a good candidate for treatment. Dr. Parikh will perform an oral exam, take x-rays, and ensure that dental implants are right for you.

If you’re approved, you can get started right away. Dr. Parikh will give you more information about the treatment process, and you can schedule your follow-ups right away. We want to make it easy for patients in Wesley Chapel to get permanent tooth replacement with dental implants, so we simplify every step of the process.


Check out these frequently asked questions, or call us at (813) 377-1822 to speak with our team!

What Are Dental Implants And How Do They Work?

Dental implants are a popular and effective long-term solution for people who suffer from missing teeth, failing teeth, or chronic dental problems. They are artificial tooth roots, similar in shape to screws. When dental implants are placed in your jawbone, they bond with your natural bone. They become a sturdy base for supporting one or more artificial teeth, called crowns.

At BayBreeze Dental, Dr. Ronak Parikh and his team use advanced technology to ensure that your dental implants are placed with precision and care, resulting in a comfortable fit and natural look. The implant itself is typically made of titanium, a biocompatible material that integrates well with human bone tissue. This process, known as osseointegration, is what gives dental implants their strength and stability.

Over time, the implant fuses with the surrounding bone, creating a strong foundation for the artificial tooth. This unique property of dental implants makes them an excellent choice for long-term tooth replacement, as they can last for decades with proper care and maintenance.

Why Should I Consider Dental Implants?

Dental implants offer several advantages over other tooth replacement options. They look, feel, and function like natural teeth, providing a more comfortable and confident smile. Unlike dentures, which can slip and cause discomfort, dental implants are securely anchored in the jawbone, allowing you to eat, speak, and smile without worry. They also help maintain your facial structure, preventing bone loss in the area of the missing tooth.

Dr. Parikh at BayBreeze Dental in Wesley Chapel, FL, is an experienced dental professional who can help determine if dental implants are the right solution for you. In addition to their aesthetic and functional benefits, dental implants can also improve your overall oral health. They don't require reducing other teeth, as a tooth-supported bridge does, and they allow easier access between teeth, improving oral hygiene.

Furthermore, dental implants can help preserve the jawbone, which naturally begins to deteriorate when teeth are missing. This preservation of bone structure can help maintain the shape of your face and prevent the sunken appearance that often occurs with long-term denture use.

Are Dental Implants Safe And How Long Do They Last?

Dental implants have a proven track record for safety and longevity. When properly placed and cared for, dental implants can last many years, often for the rest of a patient's life. The success rate of dental implants varies depending on the health of the person receiving them, but overall, dental implants have a success rate of up to 98%.

At BayBreeze Dental, Dr. Parikh and his team prioritize patient safety and satisfaction, ensuring that every implant procedure is performed with the utmost care and precision. The safety of dental implants is further enhanced by advances in technology and techniques, which have made the procedure more predictable and less invasive.

It's important to note that while the implant itself can last a lifetime, the crown (the visible part of the tooth) may need to be replaced after 10-15 years due to normal wear and tear. Regular dental check-ups and good oral hygiene practices can help extend the life of both the implant and the crown.

What Is The Process For Getting Dental Implants At BayBreeze Dental?

The process for getting dental implants involves several steps. First, Dr. Parikh will conduct a thorough examination to assess your oral health and determine if you are a good candidate for dental implants. This may include taking X-rays or 3D images of your jaw to evaluate bone density and plan the implant placement.

Next, the implant, made of titanium, is placed into the jawbone using a surgical procedure. This is typically done under local anesthesia to ensure your comfort. After the implant is placed, there's a healing period of several months during which the implant fuses with the bone.

Once the implant has bonded with the bone, a small connector post — called an abutment — is attached to the implant. Finally, a new artificial tooth or a set of teeth is attached to the abutment. Throughout this process, Dr. Parikh and the team at BayBreeze Dental will work closely with you to ensure your comfort and satisfaction.

It's worth noting that in some cases, bone grafting may be necessary before the implant can be placed. This is done to ensure there's enough healthy bone to support the implant. Dr. Parikh will discuss this with you if it's required in your case. The entire process, from initial consultation to final placement of the crown, can take several months, but the result is a durable, natural-looking tooth that can last a lifetime.

Did you know…

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Dental implants are the only restorative option that preserves and stimulates your natural bone structure.

Ready for your next dental appointment?

Call (813) 377-1822 today!